antonio roberts Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 antonio roberts 32 32 Bring Your Own Beamer Thu, 16 Feb 2012 08:53:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> BYOB Birmingham

BYOB Birmingham is a one-night exhibition where artists are invited to bring their own digital projectors (the beamer of the title) and explore the medium of projection by creating a collaborative happening of moving light, sound and performance.

Antonio Roberts and Pete Ashton are organising things and it’ll be presented by VIVID as part of the Flatpack Festival on Friday 16 March 2012.

If you’d like to get involved then details are on the website.

Pretty sure this is the first .gif on CiB too.

GLI.TC/H 20111 Tue, 15 Nov 2011 09:06:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]> GLI.TC/H is:

a one day festival showcasing contemporary artists who misuse and abuse computer hardware and software to striking effect.

The main GLI.TC/H website is here. Good luck getting anything useful out of that one. Best to head over to Vivid’s website to see the programme of screenings, performances, workshops and lectures.

It’s all happening on 19 November. For more info, Antonio Roberts has been running previews on his blog for the past week or so.

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Links for 7 October 2011 Fri, 07 Oct 2011 09:55:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • 7inch October listings
    “a list of interesting things happening around Birmingham over the next 31 days or so”. You should definitely sign up to their newsletter
  • Turning Point West Midlands | Visual Art and Craft in the West Midlands
    A run-down of the venues, collections, festivals, schools and artist support programmes, as well as ways of buying the stuff
  • Radio Birmingham audio slideshow
    This audio slideshow was produced by Pete Simpkin, and used when he gave talks about the work of Radio Birmingham in the 1970s
  • K4 Architects designs £50m Birmingham fire station revamp | News | Building Design
    A big, average-looking tower. Splendid.
  • Imperica – Celebrating imperfection
    Interview with Antonio Roberts
  • Creative England opens for business
    Congrats to Maverick TV’s Jonnie Turpie on being among the first seven people appointed to the board
  • Dub to Jungle Documentary – YouTube
    Video about Punch’s recent tour with an interview with Ammo Talwar (among others)
  • Dear Mr Whitby – Raw Data Now :
    “What really got me irritated today is Councillor Mike Whitby, leader of Birmingham City Council, bleating on about Birmingham getting marginalised when he could actually do something to help Birmingham become a thriving centre of digital creativity.” Everyone loves a rant
  • Department for Culture Media and Sport – lottery grants search
    Related to the previous link (sort of). Oh look, a big list of National Lottery grants given to Birmingham arts projects over the years
  • Bank of England to launch new £50 note
    “Inventor James Watt and his financial backer Matthew Boulton to feature on new £50 note, to be issued on 2 November”
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    Photos from Birmingham Zine Festival Wed, 13 Jul 2011 12:00:38 +0000

    Good to see last weekend’s Birmingham Zine Festival looking busy. This is a slideshow from Antonio Roberts.

    Freedom in Creativity Thu, 16 Sep 2010 08:08:28 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Antonio Roberts will be giving a talk on 16 September at Birmingham Linux User Group, presenting the issues affecting artists who adopt open source and free culture into their practice.

    After his previously well received talk on the use of open source and art, Antonio is back to discuss issues of copyright and his own experiences as an artist in the world of open source.

    Freedom in Creativity will be held at Aston Science Park at 7.30pm. If you can’t make it, the talk will also be broadcast online and made available for streaming shortly afterward.

    Birmingham City of Culture – thoughts wanted Thu, 03 Dec 2009 09:09:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Birmingham’s bidding for the title of City of Culture in 2013 and as a result a couple of attempts to get your feedback have been launched.

    Big Blank Canvas

    Big Blank Canvas-1

    Big Blank Canvas is a project managed and devised by Fierce (on behalf of the council who are responsible for the bid itself) which, in its first version, is asking people:

    • What do you do in your cultural life in Birmingham, and where?
    • What would you like to see happen as part of Birmingham City of Culture in 2013, and where?
    • Where would you like to have a cultural experience in Birmingham?

    The second question has generated the most interesting ideas so far. Here are a few that jumped out at me:

    a touring show for kids and families playing a different suburban park every weekend in the summer hols; with locals creating and participating (from Rob)

    Literal street art – a day with no traffic when the streets can be used as a gigantic canvas by communities all over the city, free balloon flights to view the full effect… (from Mark Scourse)

    Shut down all the major cultural institutions for a month and promote/support cultural events and activities across the outer city in non traditional venues (from The Blade)

    The aim is for the site to be up in this form for the next couple of months, after which it’ll change somehow – responding to the ideas people put forward.

    There’s also a Facebook Page and Twitter account you can follow to keep up with what people are suggesting.

    I should also say (for the purposes of disclosure) that I’ve done some work with Fierce on the concept/design behind this one.

    Cultural Birmingham – Have Your Say!

    This is the bit that has been aimed specifically at under-25’s. Antonio Roberts was asked to get involved with the steering group for this and has written up some info about it. Again, it’s an online consultation exercise:

    There is a three-page questionnaire that young ‘uns can fill out, but more interestingly I think it’d be better to get involved in the discussion on the Facebook Group (liek wot all da cool kids iz doin)

    G’wan, have a go

    Irrespective of the City of Culture bid, it’d be nice to show that folks around these parts really care about the cultural life of the city they live in and have some good ideas for how to build on/show off what we’ve got. Go nuts and use this to air your wildest dreams, fervent passions or give a mention to those things that you’ve seen elsewhere and wish would happen in Birmingham.

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    Links Sat, 17 Oct 2009 17:55:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Antonio Roberts – All You Can Eat Zine
    Antonio has written up Thrusday’s Gallery of Owls event at the Sunflower Lounge – “it seems like there is a small, but dedicated zine culture in Birmingham, which is definitely inspiring and reassuring for people looking to start their own”
  • Interview: Kashmir Leese on the origins of hip hop
    Birmingham’s award-winning hip hop dance artist
  • Hox Boutique
    Just noting this for later – “Hox is the new fashion label which holds old fashioned views on personal shopping and customer service”
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    Deadline Mon, 05 Jan 2009 17:03:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Deadline is a collaboration between Antonio Roberts and Jon Harington.

    In Antonio’s words:

    It’s a year-long project by myself and Jon Harrington about deadlines and waiting. It’s possible that we may post more information about it, but in time

    In Jon’s words:

    Deadline started on January 1st and since then one still image from Antonio’s film and one sentence from my short story have been going live every day

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    Links for December 20th Sat, 20 Dec 2008 12:56:56 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • BBC NEWS | Magazine | The sit-down comic
    An interview with Birmingham’s Laura Howells – the Beano’s first ever regular female artist (hat tip to Andy Mabbett)
  • John Garghan, exhibition in the new year
    The guy who takes the fasinating photos of torched cars. He’s getting ready for an exhibition at the Solihull Arts Complex at the Touchwood Centre, Solihull. 19 Jan to 7 March
  • Screen WM – Annual Review
    You can get Screen WM’s annual report for 07/08 (and the past couple of years) here
  • Where next for the Custard Factory and other independent venues?
    Interesting post from Kenny at Big Cat pondering what direction a large-ish, credible venue should take in terms of booking acts. Would be interesting to see what people would suggest
  • New Season Announced at Birmingham Rep : Whatsonstage Midlands
    There’s some Philip Pullman, a Caribbean musical, a collaboration between writers and actors from the UK, Japan and Korea and lots of other good things
  • Young People’s Free Theatre Scheme- successful West Midlands theatres – Audiences Central
    A list of “theatres who have been successful in their application for the Arts Council England Young People’s Free Theatre Scheme”
  • Kebablog – DAB con
    A poke around Birmingham’s digital radio options
  • Dressing-the-Pooh | Crescent Theatre Blog
    Interesting from the Crescent Theatre – they’ve got a production of Winnie-the-Pooh coming in the new year. A comment on a previous blog asked whether Pooh would be played in full, semi or no costume. Here’s the answer (maybe drop them a comment on your thoughts)
  • Still Waiting
    Not sure what this is, but it’s to do with Antonio Roberts so it’ll probably be interesting
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    Links for December 16th Tue, 16 Dec 2008 01:08:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • New ‘Creative’ guide launched for West Midlands entrepreneurs
    I can’t find a copy but it looks like it could be a blimmin interesting/useful document to get your mitts on. Can anyone find this online?
  • Young People Arts Project: New Project Opportunity – Audiences Central
    “Audiences Central, with arts consultant Kerry Endsor, is looking to develop and deliver a high-profile, public-facing, arts project that will encourage and inspire young people in the West Midlands to engage with the arts and culture”. If you’re interested in getting involved then register your interest on the Audiences Central site before 19 Dec
  • Welcome to BYPY
    Nominations for the Birmingham Young Professional of the Year are open
  • heavy handbag
    Ramjeena Aujla is a “split-second-stealing snapper” and she blogs at Heavy Handbag
  • Screen WM – The year that was… 2008
    Suzie Norton wraps up what they’ve been up to over at Screen WM this year
  • B(l)og
    A couple of the Audiences Central peeps have started their own blogs recently, with this one from Fiona likely to be the most, um, quirky. She has/had a secret obsession – rating the city’s (and likely other cities’) toilets. So far pubs and restaurants feature highly
  • Birmingham Jazz News – Birmingham Jazz gigs in Guardian’s top gigs of 2008!
    Congrats to Mary and co for gaining “recognition from respected Guardian Jazz critic John Fordham on the Dave Liebman tour and the Django Bates StoRMChaser project amongst others as highlights of the year”
  • Make and Do at The Edge
    Antonio Roberts went to “the first Make and Do Party over at The Edge, which was hosted by Friction Arts. There were about 20 artists present and there was a strong emphasis on just having fun creating art!”. He has a quick write-up and some pics
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