an endless supply Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 an endless supply 32 32 The Event 2011 Thu, 13 Oct 2011 08:26:31 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The Event 2011

The last one was good. Lots to see and lots to do, so go discover on The Event website. Or read on for some blurb:

Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum is delighted to announce it will be hosting The Event’s third bi-annual visual art festival from 21 – 30 October 2011 from their galleries, studio spaces and empty buildings in various locations in and around Eastside, Birmingham’s creative quarter in Digbeth.

Groups presenting works in The Event 2011 are: AAS, An Endless Supply, Companis, Crowd 6, Eastside Projects, Grand Union, The Lombard Method, SLICE and TROVE.

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Links for 6 October 2010 Thu, 07 Oct 2010 06:52:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Blogging the retail game « I Am Pete Ashton
    “So starting in a fortnight I’m going to start my journey, exploring the indie retail landscape of Birmingham from a We Are Birmingham perspective” Pete’s good at blogging. This’ll be interesting
  • Digbeth is Good » Hither and Thither’s tour of Digbeth art spaces
    A nice run of interviews with The Lombard Method, Behind Closed Doors, [insertspace], Eastside Projects, Grand Union and An Endless Supply. There’s another one with AAS if you head for the YouTube channel
  • BBC iPlayer – The Daily Politics: Conference Special
    A clip of Rosie Kay Dance Company on The Daily Politics. Worth watching for Andrew Neil’s ‘So what’s all this about?’ afterwards
  • University of Birmingham – Barber Institute memories sought
    “The Barber Institute of Fine Arts is officially 80 years old in December 2012 and alumni memories of its early days are being sought”
  • Popular Music History – So What? – Discussing the political economy of popular music history
    Rob Horrocks’s “PhD research scrapbook”. He’s the manager of Einstellung too. Re-posting this link because I broke it last time
  • Less:Seen:Spaces: Welcome
    The online portfolio of Birmingham based photographer Harry Starling
  • Queen’s Square arts commission
    “The aim of the commission is to animate unit 26 (Community Artspace) for 2-4 weeks in February / March (including invigilation)”
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    Links for 18 June 2010 Fri, 18 Jun 2010 16:12:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Bright space – Events
    Bright Space have a good list of events, some of which I’d not seen mentioned anywhere else
  • Researching cultural entrepreneurship by exploring discourse analysis and semiosis « Annette Naudin’s Blog
    Annette researches Cultural Entrepreneurship and Entrepreneurship Education at BCU. I found this post interesting, although my head’s clearly been away from academic-land for a while – I had to squint at the longer words
  • An Endless Supply | Issue 14 Launch, Wednesday 16 June 6–8pm
    This launched the other day. Speaking of whom…
  • ARC #5 – curated by An Endless Supply « ARC’s blog
    “join ARC at The Vaults on Wednesday 30 June, 6-8pm, for ‘Peace Out June! (Piece in June)’, an exhibition curated by Robin Kirkham and Harry Blackett, the artists behind publishing collaboration An Endless Supply”
  • call for submissions « ARC’s blog
    “I am currently seeking submissions for an exhibition I am developing which explores the physicality of sound”
  • Ceramics in Birmingham | Birmingham Conservation Trust
    “Ceramic tiles cover walls and floors, roofs and pavements, furniture and stoves, and can be seen in churches, mosques, pubs, shops, hospitals and homes in Birmingham” Here are some examples…
  • genzai·chi » Prototyping games for the whale hat
    On Monday I went to a Pervasive Games Lab at the MAC, organised by Fierce with Hide & Seek. It was interesting and fun. Here’s Nikki Pugh’s write-up
  • ‘Rhymes’ Performance Poetry Special
    “After a brief interlude, ‘Rhymes’, Birmingham’s premier platform for Performance Poetry and spoken word is back with a special one-off format to celebrate it’s first year”
  • Screen WM – Driving innovation and excellence in screen media : Blogs
    “Professor Roger Shannon, Co – Exec Producer of the new music documentary, MADE IN BIRMINGHAM – Reggae Punk Bhangra”
  • Ped Shayer: More from Digbeth
    Some photos from the walls of the most decorated buildings around town
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    Links for 11 May 2010 Tue, 11 May 2010 18:21:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Facebook | The Birmingham Zine Social Club
    “A group for artists and writers who self-publish books, comics and zines, in and around Birmingham, UK” They’re having a get-together at the Victoria on 15 May
  • An Endless Supply | Those who can, do / An Endless Supply 14
    “Issue 14 will be co-produced by An Endless Supply, Sean O’Keeffe and Ruth Claxton and published to coincide with the annual end of year student shows in June/July 2010. Content will be limited to submissions from practitioners currently employed within HE or FE Art and Design education in the West Midlands.”
  • Birmingham City Council Arts Project Grants
    A few pots of cash up for grabs around the £550-5,000 mark. “Project funding is a one-off contribution to a programme of art work or works taking place in Birmingham”
  • International Development Grant
    There’s a bit of cash available for developing international work
  • Join the Supersonic Festival Team
    Capsule have got three internship opportunities: production, design & marketing. Deadline for applics is 21 May
  • Under Construction « More Canals than Venice
    “Under Construction is an exhibition of work from fine art students studying Foundation Art and Design at Birmingham Metropolitan College taking place from Wednesday 12 May to Friday 14 May at The Works gallery”
  • 2Weeks 2Make It Brum 2010
    One for filmmakers wanting to film bands, or bands wanting to be filmed – “The deadline to register for this year’s 2Weeks 2Make It competition will be Sunday 16th May”
  • BBC – Modern Masters – Art Walks : Birmingham – Aston University to Brindleyplace
    With audio, a printable map and all sorts
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    Links for 13 April 2010 Tue, 13 Apr 2010 11:13:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Election debate for creative industries – 20 April at the Hippodrome
    Ed Vaizey (Con), Sion Simon (Lab) and Marc Reeves ( talk creative. Spoiler – it’s really, really important but cuts are going to have be made. Might be fun to ask Sion about the Digital Economy Act if you’ve been following that
  • “Look you f..king idiot” « John Mostyn’s Blog
    John’s eventful first day at Endale Associates, tour bookers for the Sex Pistols, happened to be the day after ‘that’ Bill Grundy interview
  • Birmingham Has No Music Scene by @JeffStuka « The Blue Whale Blog
    In which the author states the opposite. Well said, in that sweary kind of way
  • Tom Lennon’s First Standup on Vimeo
    Via Pete Ashton – “My good friend Tom went on a stand up comedy course which culminated with his first ever gig. Here’s the audio”
  • An Endless Supply Street Team
    “An exciting opportunity has arisen in the world of independent publishing: An Endless Supply is offering a part-time voluntary position within our distribution department”
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    CiB links for 29 March 2010 Mon, 29 Mar 2010 16:02:16 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • We Are Eastside brochure « We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    “For your viewing pleasure, a guide to Eastside”
  • Young People and Arts Boards Training Programme – Audiences Central
    “Arts organisations across the city have said that they would like young people aged 18–25 to become members of their management boards”. If you are a young person and fancy sitting in an arts org’s board then read on…
  • Birmingham community museums reopen this week – BiNS
    “Aston Hall, Blakesley Hall, Sarehole Mill and Soho House open their doors again from April 2”
  • An Endless Supply | Issue Eleven up and out
    “Copies are already at International Project Space and Eastside Projects, Birmingham. During the week they’ll be available from VIVID, Ikon Eastside and all across Bristol”
  • BASS Festival Returns to Birmingham This June
    Here’s a sneaky peek (although I’m maybe over-egging it with ‘sneaky’ – it’s posted on a PR agency’s website) at what’s coming up at this year’s BASS Festival
  • Behind the Screens « D’log
    “PACT and Adobe are teaming up for a “Behind the Screens” Digital Showcasing event in Birmingham, on the 13th May 2010”
  • Call for young filmmakers from the West Midlands to show their work at Glastonbury Festival 2010
    “The West Midlands Culture Programme for London 2012 is looking for films in two categories which reflect both the spirit of Glastonbury and the Olympic movement”
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    Links for 23 February 2010 Tue, 23 Feb 2010 23:58:53 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Smash Bro’z win at UK Hip Hop championships
    Next stop, Las Vegas for the World Finals
  • CAN <UK>
    Based in Ladywood – “We are a design, media and communication company working with people of all ages and abilities to devise engaging cross media projects that enable participants to express ideas about themselves, their communities and environment”
  • Arlene Burnett
    Birmingham based artist and curator. Currently to be found at the Rea garden on Floodgate Street in Digbeth
  • Eat My Shorts: Haiti Fundraiser Saturday 13th March
    Over at The Edge on 13 March from 8pm. The plan is – “two hours of all sorts of shorts followed by a disco”
  • Birmingham based 104 films score a double whammy at the BAFTAs
    They did Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll
  • An Endless Supply « More Canals than Venice
    Interview with the zine folks
  • Digbeth is Good » Boxxed opens its doors
    Excited about this
  • Creative Networks: Women’s Short Film Festival
    “Screening a selection of films from the ‘A Corto di Donne’ Film Festival held in Naples Italy 2009 with the organisers and some of the filmmakers as our Guest Speakers” 25 Feb
  • The Highlight
    Looks like this has replaced Jongleurs on Broad St. It’s a comedy club. I didn’t recognise many of the upcoming acts, but then I don’t know comedy that well so fair enough. Actually, Roger Monkhouse (no relation) makes me laugh and he’ll be there in the next month or so
  • Facebook | Secret Birmingham
    After the kerfuffle around the Secret London Facebook group there’s been a rash of others set up in other places around the country. Here’s the Birmingham one – some good stuff in there
  • Jewellery Quarter Lobby launches | Birmingham Conservation Trust
    What happens when an Initiative, a Forum, an Association and a Group get angry? They get start a Lobby, natch.
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    CiB links for 3 February 2010 Wed, 03 Feb 2010 21:48:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Bintley triumphs at South Bank Show Awards
    “Birmingham Royal Ballet’s David Bintley held off stiff competition from Britain’s Got Talent winners Diversity and fellow ballet Limen by Wayne McGregor to win the dance category at the final South Bank Show Awards for E=mc2”. Quite right, it’s an incredible production
  • An Endless Supply | Issue 9 Online
    New issue of the rather good zine. “You will (eventually) be able to pick up copies from Spike Island, Ikon Gallery, Eastside Projects, Outpost”
  • Birmingham Conservation Trust’s new project is Bells Farm in Druids Heath
    “The Conservation Trust has been granted £14,000 of funding from English Heritage to carry out an architect’s appraisal at the 17th century Bells Farm in Druids Heath”
  • West Midlands Heritage Strategy – Audiences Central
    “A strategy setting the overall direction for the heritage sector in the West Midlands has been laid out by the West Midlands Historic Environment Forum”
  • Councillor Mike Sharpe – Birmingham City Council
    Mike is available for speaking gigs. Specialist topics – Birmingham’s artistic and cultural vibrancy
  • Commercially Inviable Records » New World of Fox download – “Tiny Children”
    From the monthly free download series – “next up is “tiny children” which was originally by the teardrop explodes”
  • Über Brum: Über Brum in Print.
    Nice one Über Brum
  • Museums hit by ‘perfect financial storm’ – The Independent
    “Nearly 40 institutions are under threat or have already closed as lottery funding bonanza ends and credit crunch bites”. The Aston Transport Museum is named as one such that’s apparently under threat of closure
  • Writers Wanted « The Blue Whale Blog
    “can you write about music without sounding like a complete plonker?” Get in touch with the good folks of the Blue Whale Blog if you can
  • Sion Simon resigns as Minister and MP – Tom Watson MP – Birmingham: It’s Not Shit
    “Sion, MP for Erdington and Minster for Culture Media and Sport is standing down”. He fancies a run at being Mayor of Birmingham, apparently
  • Laveyloo – AlphaBrum
    “the alphabet using google maps for areas in Birmingham”. Spot the buildings.
  • Change of Chair at Arts Council England, West Midlands – Audiences Central
    “After almost eight years, Dorothy Wilson stood down as Chair of Arts Council England, West Midlands at the end of 2009, making way for Peter Phillips”
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    Links for 29 January 2010 Fri, 29 Jan 2010 23:53:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Mucking in : Flatpack Festival
    Volunteers wanted – good opportunity this. “Responsibilities will include front-of-house, venue installation, technical support, marketing and bar work, and all volunteers will have the opportunity to make good use of their festival passes”
  • thisisfeed
    Kinda strange I wasn’t already subscribed to this, but I’ve recified that now. It’s the blog for the FEED Studio at Millenium Point. They do seminars and events and things
  • D’log :: blogging since 2000 » Screenwriting workshops in Brum
    Animation ones too
  • An Endless Supply | Language Films
    “Do you have any suggestions for films (shorts, features, artist’s films, etc.) that could fall under the theme of ‘language’?” If so then click the link and throw a suggestion in the comments box
  • Sat Feb 6th – Keith Lawrence and Fat Digester… | Jibbering
    Jibbering’s last gig at the Hare & Hounds for a wee while and the proceeds are going to charity, so doubly worth a visit
  • World Music Consortium West Midlands
    Now there’s an interesting thing. I hadn’t come across this before – a list of West Mids companies that do world music-related stuff
  • ‘They were all living off one day out of date rare roast beef’ – An interview with James Rea « The Blue Whale Blog
  • How effective is typography on mobile devices?
    Nathan from Smile has published his Visual Communications dissertation on Google Docs for all to see
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    Links for 14 January 2010 Thu, 14 Jan 2010 15:56:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • you thought we wouldn’t notice (link dead)
    Ouch. Dance company accuses Birmingham design agency of ripping off their work. Dom from Tak gently corrects them (see the comments)
  • Noel Dunne: Creative industries letting youngsters down over apprenticeships
    Good opinion piece from Noel
  • Unique hand drawn wonderland faith shoes
    Illustrator Sam Pierpoint has some hand drawn shoes up for sale on eBay (size 6)
  • An Endless Supply
    New website for the zine folks
  • The Lombard Method « More Canals than Venice
    “This Thursday until Sunday The Lombard Method opens its doors to welcome you to come and have a look at the studio and project spaces”
  • The Lombard Method
    “The Lombard Method is an independently run studio and project space led by 8 Birmingham based artists”
  • Interview with the Costa Award winning novelist Raphael Selbourne – Times Online
  • A decade of achievement in the arts
    “Arts Editor Terry Grimley looks back at the noughties”. Great reading
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