alexandra theatre Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 alexandra theatre 32 32 Is the Birmingham comedy scene any good? Wed, 02 Mar 2011 08:10:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> From time to time a disgruntled promoter will write something accusing the people of Birmingham of being an apathetic bunch who’d rather stay at home than go out and have a good time. See this post from a year ago for an example.

James Cook has joined this cohort with a post titled ‘Why the Birmingham comedy scene repeatedly dies on its hole…‘. His gripes are that (and I apologise for paraphrasing):

  • research shows that residents of Birmingham are the most risk averse in the country. We have a drinking culture, but not much of a ‘going out’ culture. This makes things difficult for promoters
  • there are too many poor quality comedy night charging people good money to see new, unpaid acts. These nights are rubbish and will put people off ever going to a comedy night again

I don’t claim to know too much about this – I go to the occasional stand-up show, but I don’t have James’s experience of the local comedy scene and he’s not the first to have made this complaint. However, from a lay punter’s point of view, I was under the impression that if comedy’s your thing then Birmingham caters for you pretty well. We’ve got:

In terms of general promotion, we’ve got a dedicated comedy website and (almost?) every year the Birmingham Comedy Festival draws a ring around a load of shows happening over the space of a month and shouts about them.

That seems like a pretty healthy spread to me. Certainly a good deal more than many other towns and cities can claim. Does it constitute a ‘scene’? If not, is it just the audiences for the smaller gigs that are missing, or something else?

I’d be interested in hearing what people think. Or, seeing as how he started the discussion, leave a comment on James’s post.

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Alexandra Theatre summer brochure Sat, 05 Jun 2010 09:00:36 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Alexandra Theatre‘s summer 2010 brochure is online now and you can have a browse through it here.

A notable highlight from the programme is the acclaimed Monty Python’s Spamalot, which comes to the Alex in the winter. Even better, if you book your tickets for before 31st August 2010 you’ll get £5.00 off per ticket. Nice.

Links for 5 November 2009 Thu, 05 Nov 2009 20:24:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Best Believe – Inclusion Inspires
    “a free conference delivered by MusicLeader West Midlands, Youth Music and Symphony Hall on Monday 16th November”
  • Loaf Needs YOU! :: Loaf Online
    Tom wants to ‘kickstart a social movement around local food in Birmingham’. Get in touch with him if that sounds like fun
  • Ego Theatre and ITV Fixers
    “Leminc has collaborated with ITV Fixers on a unique journey to find nothing but the very BEST of birmingham’s raw, artistic talent. (Actors, Dancers, Singers, Poets, Rappers, Entertainers and any other innnovative production) in order to create a powerful, innovative Musical Theatre with purpose”. At the Library Theatre, 7 Nov
  • Game Central / Previous Meetings
    Minutes from the first meeting of the new get-together for West Mids games people
  • The criteria for Arts Council England regular funding | Arts Council
    “We have a strategy for the arts which underpins our decisions about funding for individual organisations. This document aims to describe the framework we use in making these decisions”
  • Outside IN commissioning leading disabled artists – Audiences Central
    “Outside IN is commissioning new work from three of the UK’s leading Disabled Artists for inclusion in three mainstream galleries in the West Midlands and Welsh Borders from 2010 to 2011”
  • Robin Valk – UB40: Live, Loud and Local
    Andrew Dubber interviews Robin Valk
  • shona mcquillan
    Artist Shona McQuillan has revamped her site and now has some prints for purchasing
  • Birmingham’s Alexandra Theatre sold to ATG in £90m deal
    The Ambassador Theatre Group have bought the Alex from Live Nation (along with 15 other venues around the country). No great changes planned, according interviews with folks involved, other than to reduce the amount of time it stands idle – currently around 16 weeks a year
  • ]]>