ae harris Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 ae harris 32 32 BE Festival 2012 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 11:44:53 +0000 [Read more...]]]> It’s not long til the next BE Festival (previously known as the Birmingham European Theatre Festival, in case that helps you get a grip on what it’s about). That means it’s time for another nicely produced, lighthearted promo film:

I reckon that looks really rather good. It’s 2-8 July at AE Harris and MAC and, if memory serves, tickets tend to sell out so don’t hang about too long if you’re thinking of booking.

Ping It, Ring It, Roll It, Write It Sun, 06 May 2012 08:27:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> There’s a load of entertaining-looking madness happening at AE Harris today, presented by Birmingham Conservatoire. If you were to drop in between midday and 5pm you’d be able to catch:

The full timetable of events is here and tickets are £6 max.

A Thousand Shards of Glass Sat, 17 Mar 2012 08:09:57 +0000 [Read more...]]]> A Thousand Shards of Glass

In a world where nothing seems real, everything’s a distraction and actions no longer matter, a young woman sets out on a preposterous mission – to change things for the better…

I missed Jane Packman Company’s last thing but heard lots of good reports about it. This latest, called A Thousand Shards of Glass (at AE Harris from 21-23 March) also looks interesting. Plus, if you go on Wednesday 21 March you get a bonus performance by Tassos Stevens from Coney – he’s good too.

I Like Theatre Mon, 21 Nov 2011 14:43:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I Like Theatre is a lovely, simple idea and a nice progression from last year’s theatre pledge cards.

Note: a mention of the West Midlands Theatre Awards 2012. You saw it there first.

I Like Theatre

I Like Theatre was prompted by Ian Craddock at Old Joint Stock Theatre from an initial idea and Pledge Card from James Yarker at Stan’s Cafe / @ A E Harris.

Links for 11 November 2011 Fri, 11 Nov 2011 09:56:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Autumn Glory reviews « Birmingham Royal Ballet’s tour blog
    This is good – an even-looking spread of reviews from BRB’s recent tour (from both big newspapers and individual tweets) with links through to the source
  • Open Studio at Birmingham Printmakers
    “At Birmingham Printmakers we are holding an Open Studio on Saturday 26th November from 10am to 4pm”
  • Living Books Wanted! for Fierce Festival 2012
    We are looking for people to take part in a unique performance project that will involve the step-by-step memorisation of an entire book. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a memory expert and no performance experience is necessary, but you will need a passion for stories and an interest in developing performing skills
  • Birmingham’s Theatre-ish Christmas Party – 14 December « mid * point
    “Everyone connected with the wider world of theatre in Birmingham and beyond is invited to share a night together. Cheap bar and dancing…Chill out room and conversation…Cabaret stage and laughter…Basic food and sophisticated company!
    This event is being organised collaboratively. If you wish to contribute, please tell us. If you plan on coming and bringing people, an RSVP would help.” Details via the link
  • More detail on the BBC Birmingham losses « D’log
    More details on the losses at BBC Birmingham. I had no idea all those shows are/were made here.
  • Television Drama Studio Campaign – Equity
    Equity are campaigning to save BBC Birmingham and establish another large television studio in the region. If you use the form letter you may want to use a spellchecker.
  • Arts Council condemned for spending millions on The Public, in West Bromwich
    “The Public is a clear example of a project where the execution did not reflect the original vision.”
  • Moseley Record Fair in its Twelfth Edition – Domestic City
    This is from Ross Cotton’s blog
  • Fashiny blogger mingle | Fashiny
    Fashiny (a fashion-related tech start-up based at Birmingham Science Park) recently held a get-together for some local fashion bloggers
  • Notes from Producer Discussions and Forums during First Bite « mid * point
    I was saying the other day how the West Mids theatre lot seem to have got their online act together recently. I’ve certainly hearing about more about that kind of thing recently.
  • ]]>
    I finally made it to Pilot Fri, 12 Aug 2011 08:59:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]> KindleTheatre

    It’s taken me a few years to finally get round to going to Pilot. I’m not sure whether to kick myself for missing so many or pat myself on the back for finally making it along (what the heck, it’s the end of the week so I’ll go for the latter).

    There was a packed audience (extra chairs had to be fetched twice), a great atmosphere and some good (and as yet unfinished) work on show from Little Earthquake, Hamfisted!, LouDeemY Productions, Heart of the Anchor, Alex Brockie and Rebekka Platt.

    I have to admit to being a bit surprised by how many people had turned out for it, and not just in light of recent events around the city centre. From what I could make out the audience was a mixed and supportive crowd of fellow performers, friends/family and theatre fans. Folks from Friction ArtsFierce Festival, the RSC and Women & Theatre (among other organisations) were there too.

    Pilot, by the way is a chance for:

    a host of theatre companies from the West Midlands region and beyond to share with you their latest artistic doings in an early form. There is a mix of experienced and novice companies, addressing a broad spectrum of ideas, using a wide range of approaches and in the vast expanses of @ A E Harris, there is the chance for a couple of pieces to stretch themselves out

    It was good and I’ll be going again.

    Fierce’s Start Party Sun, 19 Jun 2011 12:36:19 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Continuing the theme of writing about some of the stuff I get out and about to, last night I followed the robots down to AE Harris for the Fierce Start Party.

    Fierce directions

    The idea with these things is to introduce next year’s artists to Birmingham and vice versa. There are a few Fierce stalwarts and returning names in the 2011-2012 caravan but plenty of new faces too. Because I’m too lazy to type them all out and too impatient to wait for them to appear online, here’s the list of names:

    Fierce caravan of artists 2011-2012

    I arrived in time to have a bit of a natter with some people, watch some archery (BE Festival‘s Miguel winning the competition there) and see a balloon-festooned woman dosed up on sleeping pills who had quite literally danced until she’d dropped. The usual kind of Fierce thing then.

    I should probably have got down a bit earlier to catch some more stuff but that’s the problem with these ‘4pm til late’ things – it’s hard to tell when to turn up to catch the action. Still, there was plenty on display around the venue. I particularly liked the look of what Ron Athey will be cooking up – something to do with automatic writing.

    Ron Athey

    In conclusion: Excellent and I’m looking forward to seeing how some of the embryonic ideas presented will turn out in 9 months time.

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    Open Space 2 Mon, 23 May 2011 09:35:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> AE Harris will host a two day Open Space conference on 23rd and 24th June, under the title “What more can we do to create a better future for theatre in the West Midlands?”

    The event is open to anyone working in the broad area of Theatre within the West Midlands. Open Space is a fun and highly efficient means of addressing issues of concern to individuals within a community. Back in November 2009 the original version of this event galvanized a lot of discussion and even significant ACTION. It is anticipated this sequel will be at least as good

    There’s a letter here (PDF) which explains more and has details for signing up.

    The last event, mentioned in the blurb, is pretty thoroughly documented on this website.

    CiB links for 19 May 2011 Thu, 19 May 2011 11:20:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Job listing for Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum: Call for Proposals (The Event)
    Good to hear this is happening again, I liked the last one. “Birmingham Contemporary Art Forum is pleased to announce it is currently seeking projects from artists and curators in the UK for inclusion in The Event 2011, to take place 21 – 30 October”
  • Happy Birthday to Frilly! – blog – frilly
    A big happy birthday indeed to Frilly
  • Experiencing Burningham’s Live Graffiti Battle: Tagged@EXYZT
    “We hope Tagged@EXYZT opened new minds to street art and showed the soul and joy a community the city would rather not exist can create. For all of us involved it was an evening where Birmingham sparkled”
  • Presenting the world’s biggest art prize: the £175,000 Gulbenkian
    “Graham Vick and his Birmingham Opera want to turn Brecht and Weill’s political satire Rise and Fall of the City of Mahagonny into a multi-participant online production examining the survival of the soul in a virtual world”
  • Birmingham Hippodrome: Chief exec’s 10-year journey
    Interview with Stuart Griffiths
  • Desert Island Life « More Canals than Venice
    Jeans Retailer Promotion in Decent Line-up of Events Shock. Featuring Project Pigeon, Flatpack Festival, LOAF, Chicks Dig Jerks, Them Lot and Mr Hudson (NB – some, perhaps all, of this has happened already)
  • AE Harris
    The venue now has its own website
  • Pickled
    Based in The Oasis: “Here at Pickled, we aim to provide a hireable exhibition space for anyone in the arts. From the amateur to the professional, we want anyone with an interesting art idea or project to come along and exhibit their work”
  • The Style Kaleidoscope
    “A vibrant street style documentary of Birmingham, UK”
  • ]]> 2
    BE Festival 2011 Wed, 13 Apr 2011 11:27:18 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I only managed to turn up for a few hours of last year’s BE Festival but, for the atmosphere as much as the work presented, I thought it was great (my write up’s here).  so it’s good to see that it’ll be back this year from Tuesday 5 to Sunday 10 July.

    This time, as well as the main programme at AE Harris, the MAC will be used for a launch party, some shows for children and some work-in-progress.

    The press release I received included this plea:

    Anyone interested in getting involved in any way with BE FESTIVAL should visit the website or e-mail The deadline for artists’ applications is 29 April.

    Tickets will be £10 per night, or £35 for a four day festival pass but I don’t think they’re on sale quite yet. Or, if you volunteer to host a visiting artist, you get a freebie. Can’t say fairer than that.
