acme whistles Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 acme whistles 32 32 Acme’s Meteor Wed, 03 Feb 2010 09:16:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This isn’t new, not by a long stretch, but I’ve only just found it. You may well be aware that Acme, based in the Jewellery Quarter invented the whistle. Or at least founder Joseph Hudson did, back in 1883.

So Acme make whistles. Millions of them a year. For everyone. That’s impressive.

Almost as impressive as this contraption – a two-man flying whistle called the Acme Meteor:

The idea was to drop it from 10.000 feet and have two parachutists pilot it around in a spiral. In the process it would break the world record for the loudest ever whistle.

That was back in 2003. I couldn’t work out whether anyone has ever flown it (and nor could Tom Whitwell when he looked at Acme). Given that there’s some doubt, I think we can assume it hasn’t happened.

I imagine they get a bit of stick over the company’s name, but when they make something that you could easily imagine Wil-E-Coyote riding to his doom then you’ve got to think they bring it on themselves. Which I think makes them even more wonderful.

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