24 carrots http://www.createdinbirmingham.com Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/wp-content/uploads/cropped-CiB-Google-copy-32x32.jpg 24 carrots http://www.createdinbirmingham.com 32 32 Taste of Birmingham 2010 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/2010/07/17/taste-of-birmingham-2010/ Sat, 17 Jul 2010 07:46:57 +0000 http://www.createdinbirmingham.com/?p=6290 [Read more...]]]>

You’ve got today and tomorrow to get down to Taste of Birmingham in Cannon Hill Park if you’re into foody kinda stuffs. Lots of the fanciest restaurants around the region will be there to tempt you with their wares. They’ll have cooking demos and all sorts of other things too.

Also on the foody tip, today is the first anniversary of 24 Carrots, the monthly farmers market next to the Big Peg in the Jewellery Quarter. I popped down last month and can recommend the bread, the spicy sausages and also Krystal‘s jerk chicken.
