CiBmail Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 CiBmail 32 32 CiBmail’s taking a break Wed, 20 Apr 2011 11:34:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> A year ago (almost to the day) we launched CiBmail – a weekly round-up of news and events delivered straight to your inbox. After a little while it went fortnightly and now we’re putting it on hold entirely.

Basically, it’s a good thing (and the number of subscribers has increased nicely over the past 12 months) and a nice experiment, but it takes too long to write it and we just haven’t got the time for it at the moment.

If you want to get this week’s Easter special then SIGN UP HERE by 3pm today.

There’s a pretty good chance it’ll come back in some form later in the year, so don’t start the wiling and gnashing of teeth just yet.

Introducing CiBmail Mon, 19 Apr 2010 09:22:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> New CiB thingy alert – on Wednesday 21 April we’re launching CiBmail.

[pause for applause]

It’ll be a weekly email that will come out mid-afternoon every Wednesday and will feature:

  • News about what CiB is up to (online and in the shop)
  • A brief summary of the past week’s posts
  • FREE stuff (competitions and the like)
  • Suggested upcoming events

If you’ve got any stuff you want us to give away competition-style (tickets, CDs, swag, etc) then get in touch. Likewise, if you’re interested in advertising via the email give us a shout.

It’ll probably be a bit rough and ready to start with but we should get into the swing of things soon enough. If there’s anything you’d like to see in just such an email then it’d be good to get some suggestions.

Those that are signed up by mid-afternoon today will get a quick taster to see what it’s all about. Give it a go. If you think it looks like a waste of time you can always unsubscribe again. Sign up by adding your details here:

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