Comments on: BOM Summer Camp for 7-12 & 12-16 year olds Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: LOUISE LATTER Thu, 26 May 2016 13:46:28 +0000 Hi there Taylor Two – Louise from BOM here. We hope to continue Summer Camp too – it is a great week of fun and tech! We hope to see you next year. Our Spacey exhibition is open till June 11th, we’d love to welcome you both and give you a tour :)

By: Taylor Two Thu, 26 May 2016 09:57:40 +0000 Oh wow, this looks amazing, exactly what my son is into! :D He will be nearly 12 though by that date, an awkward age for either camp, so I just hope they continue to run it as I may consider it in a year or two from now.
