Comments on: Predictions and resolutions for 2012 Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Shirley P Cooper Fri, 03 Feb 2012 10:57:10 +0000 I am publishing at least 3 of my books, Boxes, The Healer and Karaoke. I’m also publishing and helping to publish some local writers. Salvo, Cannon Hill writers’ 2 yearly book is due out anytime this year. Tender Loving Care part 2, long overdue is about to be launched. Part 1 was a poem put to music, played on organ and piano and performed in Mental Health and other venues. Part 2 includes the recording and website. My years of research about my mother,Uvina Rosetta Cooper- Thompson, and brother Obadiah Thompson who died of carbon monoxide poisoning in 1958, is ‘hitting the road.’ Visually I’ve collected all the materials, resources for a major project about my life, the issues including illness, homelessnes, abuse, relationships, fun, and is starting to put together all the collages, ready for an exhibition later in the year.
