Comments on: This is Birmingham: animated Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Silk Thu, 04 Aug 2011 22:47:12 +0000 Nice job.
Classy work.
I look forward to the sequel!

By: jan Sat, 09 Jul 2011 05:43:44 +0000 Robert, I’m glad you see the link with Sasek. I have to point it out to people.

I was inspired to draw THIS IS BIRMINGHAM by discovering Sasek’s THIS IS NEW YORK in New York, and thought “Birmingham needs a book like this about itself”… I never planned to write a book about the Lunar Society, nor to do it in rhyme. The book wrote itself. I tried to give it a Sasek feel, but apart from getting the eyes to look like his in some places, I don’t think it looks nearly as much like Sasek as I originally imagined.

The new edition is published in August BTW…

By: Robert Sharl Sat, 02 Jul 2011 13:46:18 +0000 I’ve always had mixed feelings about Bowman’s book. While it’s a lovely thing in itself I’m disturbed by how much it owes to Miroslav Sasek’s wonderful series, yet (at least in the edition I looked at) doesn’t credit or even namecheck the originals. Am I alone in seeing the huge debt owed?
