Comments on: Storm in a teacup over Library marketing contract Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Niall Tue, 12 Apr 2011 18:00:08 +0000 Very thoughtful of you Chris. Thanks very much. I think we’ve probably milked this one now (or at least I have!). Good to have a bit of heated debate. Thanks everybody.

By: Chris Unitt Mon, 11 Apr 2011 15:21:39 +0000 Niall – it got caught by the spam filter for some reason. No idea why, but I’ve rescued and posted it now.

By: Niall Mon, 11 Apr 2011 15:18:42 +0000 Funny, my last post seems to have disappeared. Are comments on this issue now closed or did I hit a wrong button?

By: Niall Mon, 11 Apr 2011 12:55:58 +0000 Helga wrote;

“Inward investors find that sort of thing important, sad but true.”

Shame, I’d rather hoped the new library was about more books, better reading and archive facilities, but I’m afraid you’re right – it’s anything but that. What’s even more unfortunate is that there has been so little said about this shift in the function of libraries over the last decade (where were all the people now complaining about cuts when this was happening?). If libraries are about putting us ‘on the map’, portraying the city as ‘cultured’ and acting as a tool for social policy, then I’m not really sure they’re worth fighting for.

By: Chris Mon, 11 Apr 2011 12:08:26 +0000 Alun – I’m sure more people read the headline than the article, but I was probably reading more into them than necessary – a hangover from my A Level English Lit days.

By: Alun Thorne Mon, 11 Apr 2011 10:39:16 +0000 Good post Chris but am yet to meet any grown up professional whose opinion is formed by a headline.

By: Da Blade Fri, 08 Apr 2011 10:16:42 +0000 We’ll have to wait and see if the New Library (LoB) turns out to be a iconic, landmark building or not. If it isn’t, you won’t be able to make it into one by telling people it is, no matter how much you spend!

It is already looking oversized for the site and there is a danger that it will stand out for the wrong reasons. To be successful it must function – as the current central Library seems to do – for the residents and visitors – or it will become a giant vanity project. And it is being paid for by selling off the site of the old library for development (it all seems to have gone very quiet about what will be going there…). Creating the new Library (people will call it what fits, the Library of Birmingham seems it a bit of a mouthful if you are in Birmingham) is a big gamble that the people of the city will have to live with for years to come – on the back of losing a decent library.

There is a wisdom that it is better to do something amazing and word will spread, rather than spending your resources on telling people something is amazing and then they are disappointed when they arrive. Word of mouth (whether literal or through social media) is still the mot powerful influencer. So lets hope ‘ the powers that be’ know what they are doing with the build and are not trying to cover up by spinning us a line through a PR agency (depending on whether the hype sinks or swims, maybe the local agencies are better off out of it ?)…but as Niall points out, the plans for a new New Street Station shopping experience, that unbelievably do not increase rail capacity, does not inspire any confidence in our ‘leadership’ to make decisions that will positivley affect generations beyond the careers of the politicians who are basking in the glory now. At least the Victorians planned for the future with their infrastructure projects…

By: Helga Fri, 08 Apr 2011 09:35:44 +0000 If we want to boast that we are a “world-class” city we need to open ourselves up to world competition. And we need to compete in the world. Work is promised to no-one, not because of location or any other factor. I agree with Jake, local knowledge and insight is a key advantage to play up in your tender, but it’s not the only criteria by which to choose someone.

Iconic buildings DO alter the external perception of a city – any city. Put the words “Birmingam England” in google images (I just have) and you get a canal, the Bull ring, Selfridges (lots) and the floozy in the jacuzzi. That’s about right isn’t it? Another iconic image will play its way into that cannon. Inward investors find that sort of thing important, sad but true.

By: Niall Thu, 07 Apr 2011 19:22:42 +0000 If it’s such a ‘landmark building’, why do we need to spend almost £300,000 telling people it’s there?

By: Lee Thu, 07 Apr 2011 16:28:41 +0000 Have to agree with a lot of what Niall said there. There’s been a ‘vision void’ affecting the city for a long while now. There’s a lot of reasons, but a big one is the way things are done here – most things are developed or designed by committee, and this creates a buck-passing, risk-averse approach to doing things. There’s a tendency to look elsewhere at things that work for other places and then do a half-arsed version that fails to achieve the thing it was set out to do – the ‘aim low and miss’ approach. What we need is for people with vision and passion to push things forward, take risks and stop trying to please all of the people all of the time, a pointless and impossible task. Maybe when I’m elected Mayor I’ll be able to give it a go.
