Comments on: Results from the online arts news/listings survey Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Happy New Year! « More Canals than Venice Tue, 04 Jan 2011 19:31:30 +0000 […] or online services people use to find out what’s going on around the city. The results are here. Very interesting reading. It’s lovely to be mentioned too! from → […]

By: Chris Unitt Tue, 04 Jan 2011 14:31:14 +0000 But then there are hundreds of venues/organisations with their own websites – looking at it now, it’s a bit of a catch-all option. Just thinking from my own usage, when looking for gigs I’ll quite often look up the Academy, Institute and Glee Club’s own sites.

By: simon gray Tue, 04 Jan 2011 14:12:12 +0000 I think the most interesting / surprising result is that the venues own websites are so far at the top of the list ahead of listings websites!

Birmingham Alive! showing so low down isn’t actually a surprise to me, since the site isn’t really a listings website anymore, more of a news & reviews site – & I take the listings feed from LiveBrum now anyway.
