Comments on: More LEP stuff Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Noel Dunne Wed, 04 Aug 2010 15:37:04 +0000 thanks Chris

pleased our sector was represented there – and thanks for the update on CiB. I think it’s critical that we develop a coherent presence to influence the development of the LEP. There are already worrying signs that the divisive and fragmented attitudes that were held in check are now re-emerging and articulating themselves through numerous public channels. These are often voiced by people who provide services for or talk about the creative and cultural sectors rather than actually earn a living and provide employment for people within them. I suppose this is inevitable given the current positioning that is going on in the new economic climate.

However, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss what it is our sector would want from a new LEP and how we ensure that is cogently and effectively argued for in the formation of a new LEP. We are in danger of being seen as the sector of the ‘noughties’ and we may have become a tad complacent because of the attention we did have. Any others interested in meeting up to think through how we effectively influence the formation of the LEP – maybe one evening early next week? Happy to host at Creative Alliance – or suitable drinking venue close by. Noel
