Comments on: CiB Shop – New Beginnings Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Made in Sheffield shop « Sheffield blog Wed, 11 Aug 2010 12:57:36 +0000 […] On the whole, it sounds like these pop-up shops have been very well received. After a successful three-month trial, the Birmingham shop closed due to their prestigious unit in the Bullring shopping centre being let to paying tenants, but it is expected to return for Christmas. […]

By: CiB Shop – New Beginnings | The Created in Birmingham Shop Wed, 04 Aug 2010 14:15:57 +0000 […] Reposted from the CiB Blog – please see original post for comments. […]

By: Jake Grimley Thu, 29 Jul 2010 09:34:14 +0000 Sadly I have no time at all to help, and so should probably be ignored, but as someone who wishes the CiB Shop the best possible chance, I’d suggest considering a limited company structure and integrating a profit motive. I run a business for profit motivation, but I was also on the board of Birmingham Artists for some time, which was a members organisation similar to a cooperative, where the tenants were effectively stakeholders.

I’d say there’s a fundamental flaw in suggesting numbers like 300 suppliers paying a £10 membership fee. As Simon notes, this does not touch the sides financially, but it may well hamstring a benevolent dictator who might feel answerable to 300 people. CiB may effectively be subsidising these supporters by providing lower-than-market-rate rent and positioning and this will generate a communal conflict of interests. In my experience Birmingham Artists found it incredibly difficult to make important strategic decisions for this reason.

I think you can make a good case for CiB Shop being worthy of subsidisation, via free rent, or other means, but I’d echo Mr Stuka’s plea for a business plan. For instance: standard retail markup in galleries is, I believe, 50% and not the 25% CiB Shop charged. So if CiB shop had raised prices by 25% and retained that it might have turned over £60K, not £45K in three months, which would provide an additional £5K of operating income per month. Would this start to make things look a little more viable?

I know profit is a dirty word for some artists (until they start making a little), but profit doesn’t necessarily go straight into individual’s pockets. It’s the life-blood that allows you to invest and create space to operate. It’s also a reasonable motivating factor for a benevolent dictator. Not the only one. But it helps.

BTW: 100 well-wishers paying £1,000 for a 0.5% share and an annual private view invite sounds a little more like it.

By: simon gray Wed, 28 Jul 2010 22:19:16 +0000 How would people feel about a membership fee in order to be part of the organisation in order to have stock in the shop?

300 suppliers paying a £10 membership fee totalling £3,000 clearly wouldn’t pay any rent – but £3,000 does buy a lot of flyers to market to the offline target buyers.

By: Janet Millard Wed, 28 Jul 2010 21:31:05 +0000 Although I coudn’t make the meet (working a night shift) I’m fully behind a new venture of another ‘shop’ and truly believe it gives aspiring artists a real opportunity. I have bags of enthusiasm and will help in anyway I can if called upon. The CiB shop was so well known in all areas of Birmingham and for one made me feel, for the first time, like a real artist!

By: simon gray Wed, 28 Jul 2010 17:44:59 +0000 One fundamental feature where the model I outlined differs from Rhubarb Radio’s setup is that the Benevolent Dictator for Rhubarb – Dan – is such because he was the primary investor and was responsible for most of the fundraising activity (& also for working out a way of monetising the format in the guise of Civico); the CIBShop at this stage doesn’t have a primary investor, so how might our BD emerge?

By: Laura Taylor Wed, 28 Jul 2010 08:55:59 +0000 really good meeting Pete, I know it comes later but I will def be a dogs body to help actually run the shop! I wish I could do more but just don’t have the skills! but I do come with years of retail experience!

By: Francine Schokker Tue, 27 Jul 2010 23:49:24 +0000 Well done for last night’s meeting! Although I can’t physically be involved in CiB in the way you currently need people (my head would equally explode if I involve myself in any other activities right now), but I will of course support CiB in any way possible.

By: Back on a stage again « I Am Pete Ashton Tue, 27 Jul 2010 21:01:30 +0000 […] This is what it’s all about.   […]

By: Hg Tue, 27 Jul 2010 19:18:42 +0000 Fascinating stuff, Pete. As someone who has also been ploughing away at a labour of love that “really should happen” for the past year or so – and which is now starting to take itself much more seriously and dealing with all kinds of commercial issues – I recognised much in what you’ve written here and in the video presentation in particular. My “team” is much more of a co-op – a dictator, benevolent or otherwise, would be given very short shrift – but nevertheless the key point is to get the right people involved. Hope it works out for you. We’ve looked at the pop-up shop thing but it’s too much of a commitment for something that would be “non-core” business. We’re dipping a toe in the water with a trial-run market stall in Camden (London) this Friday!
