Comments on: “I think we need more of the ‘Simon Rattle effect” Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ian Hughes Mon, 03 May 2010 20:09:03 +0000 We are still a long way away from where it can truly flourish.

The parts of Birmingham where the creative industries currently occupy are a bit drab and hardly creative zones.

It will take years for the JQ and especially Digbeth to catch up with our competitiors in other areas of the UK which is a shame. 70% of the buildings in the JQ are owned by Birmingham City Council, many are empty and unable to cope with the needs of a hot dog stall never mind a creative digital district.

With the forthcoming cuts, it will no doubt place greater importance on the commercial activity from our creative people. Many of the gurus are telling people to hang in small clicks, terrible advice. I agree with Patrick, think big and you’ll get your return.

By: Patrick Willcocks Sun, 25 Apr 2010 08:13:55 +0000 I wholeheartedly agree. We shouldn’t try and control it but we should encourage it by creating that feelgood factor. There are things we can do on infrastructure. But everything soesn’t need to be new. A city centre (JQ or Digbeth) Arts/Film complex in a converted industrial space would be a really massive bonus. We should be actively approaching national museums and art galleries to open a branch. What about the V and A teaming with BMAG to do a space focussed on the history of photography – again in a converted industrial space. I am a member of Birmingham Photospace where we are seeking to find such a space to establish a photography space. Birmingham has lots of lovely old buildings, and lots of energy and creativity – we just need to bring the two together – but not with a local thinking hat on but thinking nationally and internationally.
