Comments on: Some thoughts on Birmingham’s music scene Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Digbeth is Good » Getgood Link: Some thoughts on Birmingham’s music scene | Created in Birmingham Tue, 13 Oct 2009 21:09:32 +0000 […] Some thoughts on Birmingham’s music scene | Created in Birmingham – It’s not a pretty picture, I’m afraid. But it does include the news that UB40 will be playing a one-off gig at The Rainbow on 3 November to raise money for a new roof on the building in an attempt to reduce outside noise (and noise abatement orders). It’s unclear where people can obtain tickets yet. Share and Enjoy: […]

By: Chris Unitt Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:38:04 +0000 Well, as much as I sometimes worry about opening the floodgates too wide, CiB’s not about to start ignoring music, so I don’t think ghettoising it is that much of an prob. Especially as it crosses over with other stuff so much.

As far as sites focussing solely on local music, I had hopes for but that died pretty quickly – I think the guy behind it was trying to make money on it from the off. Which I imagine is tricky.

Natalie – it’ll be really interesting to see what you come up with. My only initial thought is I’m not so sure about the idea of another listings site, but you never know, so I’ll reserve judgment.

By: Natalie Chillington Tue, 13 Oct 2009 19:27:13 +0000 I’m in the planning stages of launching a web operation to promote local music in Birmingham as part of my MA, so I’ve found this post very interesting.

As far as I’m aware, there’s currently nowhere online that focuses solely on new local music which lacks the full recognition it deserves as a result..

Like Helen, I struggle to keep up with endless Facebook invites, Twitter tweets and emails that send me to YouTube, Myspace and other websites. Hence why I’ve decided to base my project on creating a one stop for info on new local bands with tracks, videos, interviews, events listings etc.

Thanks for highlighting the issue Chris. Look forward to your next post on this!

By: Natalie Chillington Tue, 13 Oct 2009 19:18:58 +0000 I’m in the planning stages of launching a web operation to promote local music in Birmingham as part of my MA, so I’ve found this post very interesting.

As far as I’m aware, there’s currently nowhere online that focuses solely on new local music which lacks the full recognition it deserves as a result..

Like Helen, I struggle to keep up with endless Facebook invites, Twitter tweets and emails that send me to YouTube, Myspace and other websites. Hence why I’ve decided to base my project on creating a one stop for info on new local bands with tracks, videos, interviews, events listings etc.

Thanks for highlighting the issue Chris. Look forward to your next post on this!

By: Lisa Tue, 13 Oct 2009 16:09:12 +0000 There is a danger in creating a separate music site in that it ‘ ghettoises’ music – making it seem less important or not seen as part of creative culture, surely there is room for all manner of exciting stuff happening in Birmingham to feature on this site whether it be a gig, concert, performance or exhibition?

By: Richard Battye Tue, 13 Oct 2009 15:02:11 +0000 CiB (and Yumm) are 2 of the best things that have happened in Birmingham of late. is easy to miss things unless you make it a full time job to hook up/log in/tweet/blog etc…which I just don’t have the time for if I am working. The music thing in Birmingham kills me..I am in a BIRMINGHAM band, The Undercocks..just checked our gig list for this year; 29 gigs..3 of which are in Birmingham!!!
That tells a great big story. We have all but given up on Birmingham..even though we have a studio here..yet already
have 5 gigs booked for next year in Ironbridge! A definitive list of venues, what they offer/want etc would be great. Also bands could talk to each other more and share info on venues and promoters..I hate the phrase but a bit of “joined up thinking” Same across the arts etc etc. I based myself in Birmingham 20 years ago..ARE WE THERE YET??

By: Chris Unitt Mon, 12 Oct 2009 18:33:50 +0000 I keep pondering the CiB-style thing for music. Hmm.

In the meantime, I’m planning to do a round-up of places that are putting out local music info – probably later this week. I’ve got a list in my head but I’d be grateful for any suggestions.

By: Helen Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:46:01 +0000 I agree that the information can be quite dispersed. It is difficult to always find out what is going on even with all the newsletters/websites/blogs/tweeting. I still manage to miss events that I would go to even though I’m signed up to and/or following anything and everything that might tell me about it. Not sure I have any answers but I love unique venues and it would be a real shame if they die out due to lack of local support for them.

By: Chris H. Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:35:08 +0000 Thats a good point Dunc.

Compared to ten or so years ago I think the cites scene has come on leaps and bounds. There is a lot of stuff going on out there but one issue is knowing about it, and the other is getting to it.

Living just outside the centro area my last public transport out of the city is 11pm. This means I often see support bands and a couple of songs from the main set. It would be nice to see public transport improved rather than reduced – ten years back when there was nothing to do there was a half midnight train.

I think blogs and listing sites are now springing up, as the post a few days ago illustrated, I think its just gradually growing. It would be nice if there were hard copies of zines or listing papers more easily available.

It would be good to see the council acknowledge the growth in the music scene of Birmingham and be seen as much to support it as to regulate it.

By: Rich Batsford Mon, 12 Oct 2009 16:33:17 +0000 Agreed with Dunc that thers loads of good music around – but the scene still feels very disparate and in a way, kinda weak.

Is it lack of pride, or identity?

Have we put up with being the butt of the nations jokes so long that we have an inferiority complex?

A MiB blog would be ace certainly.

Brum Notes is the latest addition to the print media – much welcomed.

Does the city need a Music Czar type figure?

In the immortal words of Brian Wilson … God Only Knows!


