Comments on: BCU degree show Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kate Spragg Sat, 25 Apr 2009 16:42:42 +0000 I have to agree Garreth, the design is not really up to scratch. When I was studying Fine Art it was difficult for anyone on my course to get professional looking marketing materials together, as fine art students tend not to have access to computers with design software available, and even if you did you were not trained to use them. I think that this is an example of why tutors and students need to be working together with other departments, in this case graphic design, for not only the reasons clear here but to gain experience of working, commissioning and collaborating with other creatives.

By: Garreth Thu, 23 Apr 2009 22:07:45 +0000 Whilst I am sure that the artists and art are all exemplary, am I the only one who finds the above flyer incredibly wanting? It seems to me to be a really poorly designed and lackluster effort. Best of luck to everyone involved, but I would be angry if that was supposed to be representing my work (if I had a creative bone in my body, anyway.). x
