Comments on: Plight of the hedgehog Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Harry Palmer Sat, 22 Nov 2008 12:38:35 +0000 Hello. Firstly, my sincere apologies for the error in the picture. Today, I will make sure that the public in Birmingham are indeed informed about the correct nutrients Hedgehogs require. No milk or bread!

I am delighted that hedgehog support exists in the west midlands and I shall advertise the fact. My apologies once more.

In respect of SSSI’s, my intention was to focus on the hedgehog crisis so to get the important message out. Public speaking (outdoors) is an under-used arena for engagement and I am excited today to be active and creatively campaigning in Brum.

I shall indeed be writing about Sites Of Social Special Interest – Re: hedgehogs very shortly and will keep you all informed.

Yours warmly,


By: Steve Lockley Fri, 21 Nov 2008 11:44:58 +0000 With reference to the poster displayed, can you pleaser make it clear that hedgehogs should NOT ne offered bread and milk. Hedgehogs are Lactose intollerant, and cows milk is very bad for their digestive processes. Hedgehogs in the garden should be offered water and meat-based cat food. Please see our website,

Thank You
Steve Lockley

By: dp Thu, 20 Nov 2008 00:15:37 +0000 Clarification about the poster text, please.

‘Extinction… under threat’ tells me that the extinction is threatened, not the creature. Please tell me it was intended to mean ‘creature threatened with extinction’.

By: Chris Unitt Wed, 19 Nov 2008 13:34:37 +0000 Hi Harry, thanks for the extra info – I didn’t realise that this is one of your ongoing SSSI’s.

When I said, “not strictly creative” I was referring to the event, not your good self, and meant that talks on wildlife (which I took this to be on first glance) wouldn’t usually be considered CiB-fodder. Apologies if that wasn’t clear.

However, with your involvement I assumed there’d be more to it (‘art-not-as-you-know-it’ sums it up well), hence the mention. Always happy to support your endeavours here.

By: Harry Palmer Wed, 19 Nov 2008 13:08:44 +0000 The blue heritage public speaking plaque in the Bullring (in a very discrete corner – (picture to go up on my blog site soon))states that ‘Public Speaking happened here in the 18th Century.’

Sites of Social Special Interest (SSSI’s) is an ongoing investigation of creative manifestations as art-not-as-you-know-it.

Some of you might be aware of the previous reviews (and for those that attended) regarding the 1.30am Subway show (in an underpass – wonderfully reviewed by Pete Ashton, former editor of CIB who attended), the alternative walk around Digbeth coach station (as a site of dereliction), the pictorial study of the victorian urinal in Harbourne (a group of artists arrived and created some stunning pictures), and the psychic survey of Ludgate Carpark (exploring the former WW2 bombsite as well as emotional reactions to the last public hanging in Birmingham in the 1830s).

I’m curious to have been described as not exactly creative by Created in Birmingham. Eitherway, your support is most welcome.


Harry Palmer – (self proclaimed) Eccentric Archaeologist. I am a Creatorist, attempting to allow the pulsations of life on planet earth fall into my being, to process that which is upon my unpredictions, encountering the fellow energy and results of mixing with ourselves plus myselfs….

Yours warmly,

