Comments on: Birmingham Book Festival 2008 Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lucy Wood Thu, 04 Sep 2008 10:39:26 +0000 There’s a lot to appeal, both for local and international authors…former poet laureate Roz Goddard explores the poetic process on the 8th October, Harriet Lamb (Director of Fairtrade) talks global Fairtrade on the 9th, Mark Thomas takes on Coca Cola (and wins?) on the 14th, Bronwen Maddox (Chief Foreign Commentator for The Times) responds with a Defense of America (intriguing!) on the 15th, the fantastic Annamation explore the power of words through physical comedy and poetic storytelling on the 15th, Kenan Malik argues why both sides are wrong in the race debate on the 16th whilst Will Self explores the crepescular world of decadence and denial and for people who like to show off there’s The Write Offs! on the 16th a Never Mind the Baudelaires-style gameshow quiz…

Anf if you really like thinking about the universe theres the philospher Ray Tallis talking about metaphysics The Kingdom of Infinite Space on the 22nd and the renowned philosopher AC Grayling talking about the meaning of reading in a subversive, specially commisioned lecture on the 23rd..

Oh and for those who like Louis de Bernieres (Of Captain Corelli fame..) he’s doing a very different literary event on the 22nd which explores the relationship between music and writing. With some lovely live music to accompany..

And thats just a few..

check it out – join the facebook group on here for updates and news..

By: Chris Unitt Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:42:34 +0000 Ah yes, David Edgar’s a Brummie isn’t he.

And I didn’t see Michael Frayn in there. I’m reading Spies at the moment (and have been for months – must get back to it).

By: Billy Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:21:04 +0000 I know next to nothing of the Birmingham literary scene but I’d imagine that David Edgar in conversation with Michael Frayn would appeal locally.
