Comments on: Integra 2008 Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: stef Tue, 27 May 2008 14:36:06 +0000 Oh and on the local flavour 3form did the identity and website… it’s been running for around three years and this is the culmination of a lot of work so it’s bound to be fascinating.

By: lisa Wed, 14 May 2008 08:05:10 +0000 Here is a film with The Bays performing in Liverpool, talking about the process of composing in real time.

By: lisa Wed, 14 May 2008 08:02:22 +0000 A little more info on the Capsule event for Integra:

Capsule present in collaboration with Integra:

The Bays with John Metcalfe and live ensemble.
The Bays incorporate a classical ensemble into their improvisd electronic performance, using a unique system of real-time music scoring devised by The Bays and projected for the audience to see as well as hear.

This has only been performed once before in Liverpool –

BIT20 Ensemble
Live electronics: Chris McClelland, Sonic Arts Research Centre, Belfast
A musician-led ensemble from Bergen Norway will premier a new mixed-media work by Michele Tadini, commissioned specially for the festival, plus works by Schaathun and Hellstenius.

Friday, 6th June
@ Space 2 . The Custard Factory
(seated event)

Tickets from:
Swordfish Jibbering Records Polar Bear
