Comments on: links for 2008-05-02 Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: simon gray Thu, 08 May 2008 13:48:03 +0000 far be it for me to jump in with the plug-fest, but there’s for what’s on listings, & the latest new contender shortly to appear is but then the regulars knew that anyway…

By: Ian Tue, 06 May 2008 09:20:45 +0000 This has been a gaping hole in Birmingham’s media for a while – how do visitors find out about interesting stuff going on here? Or indeed casually interested locals? Whats On is free but has a pretty broad remit, and we could really do with something which regularly goes off the beaten track a bit more – along the lines of Venue in Bristol or The List in Glasgow. We produce a regular 7inch listings mailout (archived here) and places like CiB and woib are trying to fill the gap, but to really do the job I think it’ll need to happen in print as well as online, and have a strong editorial stance like this place – not just dependent on blurb from promoters. Here’s hoping…

By: What's On In Brum? Sun, 04 May 2008 15:15:57 +0000 Don’t pay for a magazine! Go to What’s On In Brum? for loads of Birmingham listings –

By: Chris Unitt Sat, 03 May 2008 16:52:00 +0000 Hi Amanda. There’s loads that CiB doesn’t cover. CiB isn’t really a ‘What’s On’ and isn’t meant to be anything like comprehensive. We’ll try and pick things out occasionally but for that sort of thing you’d be best picking up a copy of What’s On and starting there.

Or maybe a ‘CiB recommends’ before each weekend would be a good idea. Thoughts anyone?

By: Amanda Sat, 03 May 2008 16:35:41 +0000 Hi! I am an Australian artist visiting Birmingham for 4 days to see relatives. Just wanted to say that I found this blog when I searched for info on art to check out while I’m here, and it seems to be a good resource for visitors. This “links” post is a useful way to locate some shows to catch, but as Birmingham is a biggish city, I’m wondering if there is more around that isn’t covered? Is there anyway you could make “what’s on” easier for a visitor to find quickly?
