Comments on: All Change Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: The Web Log of Peter C Ashton » Telling stories Sun, 04 May 2008 04:59:44 +0000 […] don’t know I’m setting myself up as a consultant at all. I don’t think I even mentioned here that I quit Created in Birmingham last week. I’m not practicing what I preach, which is kinda […]

By: Kerry Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:20:01 +0000 Hey Pete – thanks for all the Fused big ups and links. CIB has been great inspiration.
Good luck for yuor future projects and good luck to Chris on the take over.

By: susi oneill Sat, 26 Apr 2008 12:38:16 +0000 Thanks to Pete and all the creative people for that matter for such an insightful serendipitous view into what’s going on in Birmingham that I’ve enviably and vicariously enjoyed while being outside of town…

By: Leon Trimble Fri, 25 Apr 2008 08:59:07 +0000 but, but, but… oh well!! thanks for all the support, dude, you will be surely missed. i look forward to whatever you do next, as you are a true maverick, brum needs more people like you.

By: lisa Wed, 23 Apr 2008 11:36:07 +0000 Pete a massive thanks especially for putting together the Supersonic collective memory, that just blew us away.
Good luck with future projects.
and welcome Chris.

By: Lyle Tue, 22 Apr 2008 18:13:42 +0000 Pete – A big thanks for highlighting people, places and a wealth of creative work I would never have come across without CiB. Good luck for the future, hope to see you still pushing the boundaries in Brum.

Chris – Congratulations on taking the helm, heres to continuing the good work!

By: Anthony J Hughes Tue, 22 Apr 2008 15:43:52 +0000 What next for Pete?

By: wechtie Tue, 22 Apr 2008 13:08:26 +0000 Yep – I’ll go along with what they all said… Good luck with everything Pete…

By: Charlotte Carey Tue, 22 Apr 2008 10:51:24 +0000 Same as the rest – have read and ref’d CiB a lot in the last year. Will be interesting to watch it and its personality evolove.

Best of luck to you both

By: Matt Murtagh Mon, 21 Apr 2008 23:27:09 +0000 Good luck to Chris, he has a hard act to follow.

CIB has been brilliant over the past year, the spark to the dry tinder of Brum’s art scene. It was my intro into the blogging world too and has done loads to quell rampant technophobia

Thanks Pete.
