Comments on: Birmingham Frequencies Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Scylla Wed, 09 Apr 2008 15:55:02 +0000 Nice to see this event mentioned – it was organised by the same members of Oscillate, ( Bobby Bird / Scylla Magda) who are still here in Birmingham, creating work and putting on occasional high end electronic arts and music events, as part of Modulate collective . On 31st May we are hosting an audio visual performance by Frank Bretschneider (Raster-Noton), more details at

The CD Birmingham Frequencies is still available direct from Bobby’s Headphone label (

Co incidentally we are currently planning a similar project to Birmingham Frequencies with sound artist Fransisco Lopez (whom we brought to Birmingham last year to give a ‘Total Darkness’ performance ) to take place in 2009, featuring Lopez plus a number of regional sound artists / musicians.
