Comments on: Surface Unsigned Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Surface Unsigned Sat, 20 Jun 2009 22:40:31 +0000 […] 25 tickets for their own gig at £6 each is trying to get the rather magnificent and award winning Created in Birmingham take down their review, where they quote said terms and conditions. Here they are, courtesy oh just […]

By: Wise Up!!!! Wed, 20 May 2009 15:20:02 +0000 If you’re in a cool unsigned band, do the right thing & stay well clear of silly little talent contests like this. They won’t help you.

For starters, the first two rounds are a farce, a popularity contest, they are not attended by any industry what so ever. The bands with the most mates go through… What’s more, there will inevitably be more people watching & voting half way through the night than at the very beginning, so the whole concept of the competition in the first two rounds is flawed. The later you go on stage the more chance you have of getting through.

The second round of Surface Unsigned is £7 (in advance) and £8 entry on the door. Now, most people will go primarily to see one band – their friends band, and all the bands play a 20 minute set. It’s actually cheaper (minute for minute) to go and see a signed act play a 90 minute set at a prestigious venue such as Brixton Academy or KOKO… you’ll get a ticket there for £25. What’s more, most bands in the Surface Unsigned competition don’t even get a sound check, so the sound quality in the most part is really pretty awful.

Do yourselves a favour, don’t buy into this nonsense, the sooner this ‘X-Factor’ nonsense is dead and buried the better. It’s just another way of exploiting young talent for financial gain.

By: Surface Unsigned: is not so grate achully — Getgood Guide Sat, 28 Feb 2009 17:40:15 +0000 […] so NOT a good week for Surface Unsigned. On Created in Birmingham, Danny Smith highlighted the fact that bands performing in their competition had to sell at least […]

By: Russ L Wed, 19 Nov 2008 18:04:57 +0000 The more things change, the more they stay the same.

(AKA ‘Good God Almighty, they’re still at it).

By: John D Traynor Tue, 04 Nov 2008 14:32:23 +0000 Hello, last week I created a myspace page to provide a discussion area for pay-to-play gigs in Birmingham.

There were some fleeting references to Surface Unsigned, but most of what I have written so far on the page’s blogs is general comment about pay-to-play. I made a point of sending friend requests to local bands who have been involved in Surface Unsigned this year; I did this in order to try to get a balanced perspective. Yesterday, Monday Nov. 3rd, I received this e-mail from Jay Mitchell:

“Hi John, I’ve received emails today from bands who took part in the National Showcase claiming you are posting defamatory material about Surface Unsigned online and contacting them from your MySpace page

Out of courtesy I thought I would let you know that I have received these complaints. At the moment these are just claims and I’ve not looked into it. As there have been claims of defamation I’ll be passing these complaints onto the relevant people.

Regards Jay Mitchell”

Not for a second do I believe that bands have contacted him about me.

I responded, dismissing his threat, to which he responded by saying no-one is listening anyway. However, despite no-one listening, he chose to join the Organ magazine forum and talk about Surface Unsigned there.

So, good, there’s a debate about Surface Unsigned.

John D Traynor

By: john mostyn Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:51:51 +0000 “As stated in our previous comment this will be resolved if and when you contact us in the correct manor” from Surface September 18th. Love it, sort of sums it all up really.
With you all the way Sam

By: Sam Saunders Sat, 20 Sep 2008 22:24:41 +0000 For the record – I have just found the lists of entrants for the Leeds 2008 heats. My apologies for doubting you Surface Unsigned. I went to and clicked my scrollbar down 12 screens.

And yes, I have have heard of at least three of those bands. One of them (Hungry Ghosts from York) played the BBC Introducing Stage at Leeds Festival this year – but they got no marks at all in their Surface Unsigned heat. The band immediately above them on that night got 143. It’s tough at the bottom, I’d say!

By: Sam Saunders Sat, 20 Sep 2008 07:32:08 +0000 Sorry Jay. My knowledge of Leeds gigs is quite good. Your stuff slipped right below my radar – even in our small City.

Could you name the bands? I did look at your Northern site a while ago and saw that Joseph’s Well was listed for round one. It’s a shame that the site doesn’t at least present the names and myspace details of the bands in a prominent way. I must say, I completely missed all the publicity at the time. Leeds is a very busy place, so it is quite likely that I missed your advertising at the time. Joseph’s Well has gone into a decline in recent years and (as far as I know) is a venue where at least one promoter is running something like the deeply unpopular “pay to play” model.

Did you advertise through Did you approach Sandman, Vibrations or the The Leeds Guide? Did you use Frontline Media to do some small posters? Did you drop a message into I’m sure you did hold some gigs. What I’m saying is that the recognition and exposure that your events give to bands has not been apparent as far as the broader Leeds music community is concerned.

I wonder which BBC Unsigned presenters and producers you contacted while you were in the area? Did any of your bands figure in the lists they put forward for Maida Vale sessions or major festival appearances? I could name several who were. These are artists who, because they were good, have done the sessions, have been played on national radio and who have done the Festival this year – either on the BBC Introducing Stage or on bigger stages.

I recommend that for 2009 you spread the word a bit more effectively. Let the large and thriving music community know. Talk to Alan Raw and all the other people doing excellent supportive work and see what (if anything) you can contribute.

And, as I said earlier, I would heartily recommend all young bands in the City get in touch with professional promoters like John Keenan and Futuresound and Bad Sneakers who (along with all their other work) put on regular nights for early career bands. They should get to know other bands, look at teh diy community (exceptionally strong in Leeds) and find or create good gigs as they get more confident. If they have something to offer then other promoters and Leeds-based labels will be onto them pretty quickly.

I believe that if you go further out from Leeds into small towns and more isolated areas you will find kids who don’t know much who will be interested in your scheme. And Leeds itself will have plenty of bands who are so unappealing to audiences and promoters that they can’t get decent gigs anymore and who feel frustrated and would see your outfit as some kind of salvation – a quick leg-up to the fantasy world of rock and roll and the tour bus. Many of these artists seem to me to need advice – stop day dreaming, and start enjoying their rehearsals and occasional pub gigs.

I really think you could be using your enthusiasm and your organisational skills to do something a lot more productive than recruiting gullible hopefuls to a project that clearly has made no impact on the world so far. The hundreds and hundreds of bands who have spent time and their friends’ money trailing off to vanity events that most music people seem to mistrust and avoid need to know that there are better ways.

I notice that you still haven’t been able to refer to any credible music press notices for your events. Even the smallest band in Leeds has an NME, Kerrangg, Drownedinsound, Sandman or Leedsmusicscene quote to embellish their claims to genius. As a keen self-publicist you seem surprisingly short of quotable, verifiable endorsements for ether your events or for the bands who have played at your events.

By: Russ L Thu, 18 Sep 2008 09:11:00 +0000 Bwahahahaha… The right people. None of these commoners.

By: Surface Thu, 18 Sep 2008 09:01:26 +0000 Due to the large amount of interest from the Leeds area in Surface Unsigned this year we have already held events in the city in 2008. Please see our northern regional mini-site for more information. We aim to double the amount of nights for Surface 2009 in the Leeds area. The nights were successful and the quality of the bands was very high. Because bands from Leeds and other areas around the U.K. are involved in a national event it means they have a greater chance of gaining national attention by being involved in Surface Unsigned. Surface Unsigned pay all bands that play in our event (they receive a percentage of tickets sold). As a direct result of playing Surface Unsigned bands like the Arcadian Kicks have played alongside Feeder at the Isle of Wight Festival in front of a crowd of thousands. You can read about this in a special interview we have done with the band in the next Surface Unsigned Magazine released next month and available free from our website. BBC introducing is something we support and respect. In the run up to our Regional and National showcases we have had weekly live interviews on the show as well as articles on the BBC website:
They have featured many of the bands involved in Surface and given them massive exposure and increased publicity. They are just one organisation out of many that we work with to aid, encourage and support unsigned bands. There is no illusion here, only fact: if a band is good enough Surface Unsigned will offer a greater chance of being seen by the right people and thus in turn create opportunities a band may not have had if they had not been part of the Surface Unsigned infrastructure. For anyone wanting more information on how Surface Unsigned works to support and encourage bands within the music industry they can contact us either by phone or email. Please see the contact page on our website:
