Comments on: Birmingham: The Creative City premières Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Katie Tue, 11 Mar 2008 17:14:31 +0000 Just got back from this event.

The programme basically helped under-represented people into the creative careers they’d perhaps dreamed of but never had either the confidence or business knowledge to make a real go of. The scheme gave them that boost, business-training and work experience to turn a part-time passion into a full-time career.

Giovanni, aka Spoz, was at the screening today. He joined the scheme after being made redundant from his job as a chassis engineer at MG Rover. Towards the end of the programme he applied for – and was awarded – the position of Birmingham Poet Laureate 2006-7. Of course he read a poem for us – full-on audience shout-back and everything, it was about dads who do disco dancing …!

There’s a brochure about the programme going into the Birmingham Post over the next week or two I think, which’ll have a bit more background to the whole project.

Nick of Podnosh was at the screening today and I’m sure he’ll have a much more interesting take on things than I, so keep an ear out for that …
