Comments on: Three White Walls Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nick Fri, 14 Aug 2009 10:02:44 +0000 Great ,about time. Birmingham should push itself to be the leading venue for photography.
There are a infinite amount of good photography galleries in London and in the North of England, but Birmingham ? .With the good work done by groups such as Rhubarb Rhubarb we are ideally placed to become the UK’s premier location for photographic galleries and exhibitions.
So well done 3 white walls (can i have my own exhibition now please!)

By: Ben Fri, 18 Jan 2008 00:00:24 +0000 Hmmmm, Sceptical. Please have worthwhile art here please… mailing-list please..?

By: Katie Wed, 16 Jan 2008 15:15:48 +0000 Three White Walls first opened in June 2006, but in a different space in The Mailbox, reopening in their current spot last May I think it was.

Anyway … they tend to have an eclectic range of exhibitions, so it’s always worth having a look to see what’s there next. A great one last year was Stella Mitchell and Wayne Hemingway’s ‘Land of Lost Content’, a collection of retro kitschness including Spanish wicker donkeys, ancient Amstrads and whiffy old airline chairs. Mitchell and Hemingway did a brief talk about the collection beforehand which was really interesting, so if you can wangle yourself an invite, always try to get along to the Private Views!

By: Stef Lewandowski Wed, 16 Jan 2008 12:30:25 +0000 I went to a great exhibition here last year – thanks for the heads up about the new one!
