Comments on: Look At Me, I Get Funding Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Sally Spent Wed, 26 Dec 2007 17:43:50 +0000 I was unfortunate enough to witness Theodore Parker Bowles bent over the bronze bull statue in Birmingham’s prestigeous Bull Ring Shopping Centre. How can the council sanction and pay for such useless and inconvenient activities? Not only did the ridiculous display of the Arts Czar’s left buttock halt my shopping, it resulted in the mother of all attacks of indigestion I have had to date and I won’t bore you with the increased bouts of reflux I have suffered ever since. This spectacle ruined my Winterval Dinner!

I am grateful to Created In Birmingham for bringing this episode to the attention of those lucky enough to avoid this most unglamorous promotion of Birmingham Arts. They too deserve to know how their council tax is being spent. I look forward to future exposes.
