Comments on: Ideas for a New Brum Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emma Larkinson Wed, 31 Oct 2007 11:19:36 +0000 Just read Stef’s posting about the first meeting with urban initiatives – sounds exciting and I recall the impacts of the last big rethink of the city centre – some good some bad. It would be great to link up with some of the ‘propositions’ for digbeth that came out of a project that MADE ran earlier this year – four artists considering the potential for Digbeth and the challenges of resisting the gentrification of the area – Stuart Mugrdige, Rob Colbourne, Sturat Whipps and Nicole Slater Hunt – there’s an exhibition on now at MADE – 122 Fazelely Street – ‘Holding the Edge’. The opporunity for broader voices to present alternative propositions in the context of change within the city needs to be welcomed.

By: Mark Ball Tue, 30 Oct 2007 13:42:14 +0000 I’m also contributing to this – so its great that the City’s creative sector has some representation as the role of culture and creativity is absolutely central to the City’s master planning process.

Stef’s crowdsourcing idea is great – so do contribute your thoughts and we’ll do our best to represnt them.

By: Vigs Wed, 24 Oct 2007 20:41:56 +0000 I’m really heartened that they’re asking people like Stef to be involved with this. I don’t know who else from within Brum’s creative chunk they’ve also invited, but I truly hope that this is an active environment for participation, input and tangible output for all involved rather than just a token one.

Total transparency is a must if this is to be a real vision with acknowledged, workable and well-considered outcomes for a city which (to an alien in Brum like me) has a shedload to crow about and, yet, has so much to come.
