Comments on: New BIAD site Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: James Tue, 23 Oct 2007 12:21:50 +0000 Who is this David Oz!? He’s clearly a master when it comes to sculpting a site out of Drupal.

I like the big drop shaddowed text – very nice. Not sure about the colours and the feathering, but it looks like a nice working site.

Students/faculties should organise more of these independent sites to show off work and research. They provide a much greater insight for propestive students than the offical biad/bcu sites.

By: Robert Sharl Sun, 21 Oct 2007 10:56:41 +0000 I’m sure this site was done a while back, but the Fine Art department may have only just gotten around to launching it. Anyway, David Osbaldestin is the chappie behind it.

By: Pete Ashton Thu, 18 Oct 2007 17:49:08 +0000 “And we shall judge them by their content management systems”
Proverbs, 12:52, or some shit

By: nikki Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:37:38 +0000 (that should be Drupal plus slightly unofficial, but the symbol didn’t register)

By: nikki Thu, 18 Oct 2007 15:36:10 +0000 Drupal slightly unofficial. Marvellous! Credibility rating going up…

Wondering vaguely about comments elsewhere that Drupal is superb for co-blogging and community stuff who would we like to see providing the content for the site? …

By: Ronald Iguana Thu, 18 Oct 2007 10:39:04 +0000 Well the BCU Intranet has been redone using it, it might work one day :P

By: Stef Lewandowski Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:48:57 +0000 That reminds me of something funny that Jared Spool said at the dConstruct conference this year:

“For those of you who haven’t heard of Sharepoint, Sharepoint is an amazing way to destroy a business. Building an intranet using Sharepoint is like having a friend take you to a lumber yard and tell you ‘everything you need to build your house is here – get going'”.

By: Ronald Iguana Thu, 18 Oct 2007 08:12:19 +0000 A new BIAD site wouldn’t be using anything other than Sharepoint as the CMS, thats the policy now unfortunately.

By: Charlotte Caret Wed, 17 Oct 2007 09:52:31 +0000 Not convinced this is a new site. BIAD’s original site is still available:
As is the centralised version.

This site, I beleive, is specifically from the Fine Art dept.

These are interesting comments and I don’t expect I am the only person from BCU reading.

By: Katie Wed, 17 Oct 2007 08:52:44 +0000 Though I don’t think the look of it is up to much (the .titles remind me of the Birmingham Artists website, and the colours are unpleasant), content-wise it’s interesting.

I think it’ll give current and prospective students a much better idea of what’s going on, who’s who and, I suppose, more of a sense of belonging to a community. It certainly helps the faculty come across as being progressive, which I guess is pretty important for an art school.
