Comments on: ArtsFest Ticket Booth Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Tony Jalfrezi Wed, 26 Sep 2007 20:22:10 +0000 Hey! Who you calling an immigrant?!

By: Russ L Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:35:08 +0000 I have no doubt the results would be just as accurate and believable as the 200,000 claim.

So, did anybody else have any important revelations at Artsfest? Maybe someone encountered an immigrant who wasn’t simulteously scrounging off the state and taking our jobs, or anything of the like.

By: anthony hughes Wed, 26 Sep 2007 16:24:46 +0000 It’s all an experiment…maybe both versions are truisms. That would make an interesting statistical study.

By: Russ L Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:57:27 +0000 Ah. Right. Youth being boisterous, then, not just tracksuit-wearing chavs being savage. Gotcha.

By: anthony hughes Wed, 26 Sep 2007 13:07:26 +0000 No, I don’t think they were humans But, having delivered projects for youth groups and taught for years – and having been young once myself (a while ago), I did genuinely think that it was encouraging to hear some interest in a rather abstract performance. No snobbery intended.

The fact that we have any well poulated cultural events has to be a good thing. How people use figures for positive or negative spins is another matter and not one that I feel the need to involve myself in yet again – I spend an increasing amount of time dealing with this in other areas and genuinely trying to address and challenge the issues around them. On this particular weekend my own brain took a holiday – which maybe accounted for surpirse when someone else’s didn’t. Over and above this I still try and maintain a sense of humour.

By: Russ L Wed, 26 Sep 2007 05:13:15 +0000 Severeley, that’s how. Hang ’em up by the… town hall?

And, oh these crazy chavs. Reading and everything, whatever next. Maybe they might even impress you sufficiently to put aside the snobbery far enough to acknowledge that these particular ones may even have been human beings, Anthony.

By: Mikhail Alexandrovich Wed, 26 Sep 2007 00:18:35 +0000 so if Russ L on September 24th, 2007 says “I don’t think anyone has been even in the least bit fooled by the “200,000″ claim at any point…” How do we deal the person/s who wrote that press release claiming that over 200,000 people turned out for Artsfest….This sort of thing just makes it harder for anyone who has a GENUINE success story to report to get any credit for their hard work…..not wishing to refer to B CD thing again or anything similar…..

By: anthony hughes Tue, 25 Sep 2007 22:04:27 +0000 26% from a 45 minute drive – that may only place them around Moseley on a Saturday?

I attended the Blast performance as you know John, it was a spectacular event and extremely well staged. I read a comment elsewhere on the blog that asked the question why so little media interest? and as for national coverage… I agree that if the production had been a Tate or more generally a London event it would have been all over the culture show and broadsheet reviews. It is encouraging when a large crowd turn out two nights in a row on a cold evening.

My evening was made all the more enjoyable when three track-suite wearing Chav’s turned up – the one of them began telling the others how Curzon Street station was the original Birmingham station opened in…the oldest station in… etc Who says arts funding isn’t well spent? If one Chav has the courage to read and remember interesting facts – AND run the risk of his mates ridicule “Yer Mom!” then job well done. Not exactly a barometer or statistically exact science – but one that made me realize the potential for affect on social awareness of the arts.

Interestingly in contrast to the hundreds of people at that one event and not unrealistic figures into the thousands throughout the artsfest events, we don’t hear anywhere near the same level of cynicism about the blatantly very poor turn out at most gigs. In fact it is a real cause for concern. We should in principle celebrate any large attendance (whatever the figures) at any cultural event in the region.

By: john mostyn Tue, 25 Sep 2007 21:27:19 +0000 I read this stuff!

Thank you Dave that’s the one that I was thinking of.

By: Dave Harte Tue, 25 Sep 2007 08:02:00 +0000 For those still interested:

I should have looked more closely at that New Audience website as it has reports from the ’98 and ’99 Artfest by Paul Kaynes.

110,000 attended in ’99 and the survey method was “short questionnaires, consisting of twelve questions aiming to discover arts attendance behaviour before and during ArtsFest.”

26% were from a 45 minute drive away.

