Comments on: Roundup Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mikhail Alexandrovich Sun, 22 Jul 2007 19:13:35 +0000 On the Subject of Editors album covers….I reckon it was done first here:
Of course note the terrible layout and diy style. Ha ha.

On the subject of “Creatives on the Move” wouldn’t it be nice if Dave at Digital Central got his thumb out of his ass and approved a project that could give residents of Birmingham a similar tube style map that showed where they could find local points of interest as far as our cultural and musical heritage is concerned. A map that shows you where to find all manner of creatives Whatever next? It might even generate some form of bizarre(dare I use the word) “tourism.” At Last visitors to Birmingham won’t be stuck with a choice of “Gas Street Basin” or “Plenty of Shopping” they could go and find a great local venue, or gallery, or band, or even the place where Ozzy used to hang out or where “Editors” used to rehearse. Who knows the simple map idea may help people interested in Creatives in the region ACTUALLY find them. These people having found out what the hell is going on my even part with money to support projects run by local creatives and then the creatives concerned wouldn’t have to use their own tube style map to find people who can subsidise their struggling businesses. Easy.
