Comments on: Hare and Hounds goes Boho Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: Russ L Tue, 12 Jun 2007 18:39:10 +0000 Reasonable, still, but a lot more fiddly than a pound…

I was going to go and have a look on the Saturday just gone, what with The Courtesy Group playing and so on, but things got ahead of me. Soon, though.

By: Sally Rushton Tue, 12 Jun 2007 16:11:33 +0000 o and by the way cans in the upstairs bar are £1.50 – very reasonable I think!

By: Sally Rushton Tue, 12 Jun 2007 16:08:55 +0000 I work for the owners (i’m not going to try and hide it!) and I just wanted to add that we are really trying to attract a range of acts upstairs but at the end of the day the diversity can only work if it pulls in the numbers… we will put on what people want to make sense, its all about supply and demand!

As for the atmosphere of the venue, we’ve worked really hard to retain the pubs character and like to think we have restored the features and complimented them with key bits of 70’s furniture. Put simply the way it was (dark and dingy)… put a lot of people off.

We hope we’ve made it more accessible to people…

I manage the myspace page ( and communicate on a daily basis to bands of a various genres. We try to support local talent and welcome diversity.

Give us a chance ; )

By: Pete Ashton Tue, 15 May 2007 20:36:41 +0000 I’m going to throw in a link to Russ’s blog post for future reference.

By: bounder Tue, 15 May 2007 18:58:36 +0000 i’m not so much conflicted as disappointed. the hare and hounds was a great pub pub – as good for watching football in as having a gig upstairs. I’ve promoted and played the odd (very) night there myself in the past – and i can’t see the Bull’s Head style fitting in with what i liked about the place.

“young bohemian and savvy professionals” – i really hope they don’t mean me.

By: Russ L Tue, 15 May 2007 17:31:14 +0000 “It was also somewhere up and coming promoters could hire for a reasonable fee and, unlike other venues, didn’t have a house promoter taking the best nights.”

I think this is the important bit, really. Well, no, them continuing to sell £1 tins of lager from the upstairs bar is the important bit, but this is the second most important bit.

There are already bad signs, too (13th post down et seq.). Still, like yourself I’m trying to refrain from cynicism until the new place has been running for a bit and we have a decent idea what it’s all about.
