Comments on: Live Music Venue Surveys Tue, 31 Jan 2017 09:45:09 +0000 hourly 1 By: birmingham live music venues Thu, 24 Jul 2008 22:27:19 +0000 […] Live Music Venue SurveysJan 27, 2007 … Linking up Birmingham??s Artistic and Creative Communities.'s wrong with Manchester’s music scene?Manchester has long since taken the mantle away from […]

By: Russ L Wed, 31 Jan 2007 06:53:26 +0000 Ah, now, that is a very good point. I’ve had to leave prior to an encore numerous times at The Civic, but have come to accept this as ‘a problem’ to be set against everything else good and bad about the two venues.

If that is the main consideration for someone (and I can see why it might be) then yes, there would be no two ways about this. For me, it’s “One of the many problems with The Civic” as opposed to “One of the many, many, many problems with The Academy.”

Interestingly, it’s easier to get back to Birmingham Centre (last train to New Street is 11:15. Mind you, you do need to get over to the train station) than where I live (last 126 is just after eleven, and that’s my only option).

By: Tim Tue, 30 Jan 2007 16:39:13 +0000 It’s not so much about leaving Birmingham – I’ve probably been to more gigs at either the Robin 2 or the Civic/Wulfren complex than the Academy – but those venues do have drawbacks for people travelling by public transport (despite the excellent Metro links) who have to travel via the City Centre. In order to make the last bus out of Birmingham, I have frequently had to leave the venue before or during the encore. On occasion when the artist has been late starting, before the end of the regular set. Given the choice, I’d sooner watch bands at venues where I know I can stay to the end of the set…

By: Russ L Tue, 30 Jan 2007 08:51:50 +0000 I think you Brummie sorts can be very much like Londoners at times. There’s a 2,000-and-odd capacity venue (that I certainly see as being) superior to The Academy in every possible way just down the road a bit in Wolves, but going out of the holy borders seems to be an unacceptable idea for so many people.

I’ll have to admit that I don’t know anything about marketing, so you both may or may not have a point with that. I’ve no idea. I, however, will not shed a tear when The Echoey Concrete Box disappears.

By: leejordan Mon, 29 Jan 2007 18:40:19 +0000 I too share those concerns about the future of the Carling Academy(s), those three stages are a very important part of live music in Birmingham, without it Birmingham’s marketing team would have a headache on their hands when promoting the city to young people. The niche and sometimes not so niche and very mainstream acts would bypass Birmingham without those clubs being in existence and it would be a crime for the council to not realise how important the clubs are.

Just wondering what action music fans could take to ensure our voices are heard on this matter, if the Glee club was going to be demolished without being rehoused there would be a massive uproar from the people of Birmingham and I see no difference with the Academy, it has to stay.
